I Had a Heart Attack

My Story

June 7th became a significant day in my life.

It’s the day my daughter and son inlaw got married.

It’s the birthdate of my wife’s and my favorite artist Prince.

It is also four years ago today that I survived a little thing called the widowmaker.

That’s right, a heart attack, a 100% blockage in my left ventricle artery (L.A.D.)

It all started the day of my granddaughter’s high school graduation.

It was a beautiful evening  for such a happy event.

The ceremonies had just ended and I was wheeling my mom out of the auditorium. That’s when I first felt this strange feeling in my chest area. I didn’t think much of it at first. We continued celebrating,taking picture after picture. The feeling didn’t let up. Since we were not too far from our house I decided to walk back home and meet the family there.

My wife and mom thought it strange that I wanted to walk.

They know instinctively when something is going on with me.

I assured them when we all got home that everything was fine and that I just had a little indigestion and wanted to walk it off.

I took some antacids and laid down before I had to go to work.

When I got up from my nap at about 10:00PM I still was not feeling well.

My wife being the caring person that she is insisted that we go to the emergency room because it could be something more.

I tried to fight her about it but that usually does not work.

So we went. As we drove up to the emergency room I was looking for any excuse not to go in. And ahah, it was crowded. I had my excuse.

I would go to work and come back tomorrow if it persisted.

It did. I was miserable all through the night at work.

That morning I called my friend and told him what was going on and he too insisted that I go to the hospital. I said I would but instead I took more antacids and some aspirin just in case I was experiencing a heart attack. 

I laid down again and took another short nap awaking at 2pm to go do a baseball training session. Laboring more and more I began to now really start worrying that maybe I am having a heart attack and should get back to the hospital. (Ya Think?) so I called my wife who was getting her nails done that I was finished. She was just finishing up as well so I went to pick her up not telling her how bad my situation had gotten. Oh forgot to mention I took the kid I was working with home first. Once she got in the car I immediately looked at her and said we have to go to the hospital.  She took one look at me and said let’s go, do you need me to drive?

Me being the hard head that I am (as if you haven’t figured that out by now) said no I got it.

Off we went and when I say that everything that could slow our route down did. As I mentioned it was Prince’s birthday and on the car radio they were playing Prince. I thought, is this a sign?

Am I about to get an upfront and personal seat at a Prince concert in heaven? Sorry I’m not ready brother. I am not dying on my daughter’s anniversary. I’d never forgive myself. So despite the traffic, the trains and the circumstances we made it to the ER.

They took me right away once my hero took charge and informed them what was happening with me. They gave me an E.K.G.

I looked at the nurse’s face and it said Oh Sh….

I’m still talking and laughing about the whole thing. Mainly I was trying to keep my wife calm and to convince myself that this was not that serious. They got me upstairs to the heart floor but wheeled me into the hallway and you know,left me there. And wouldn’t you know some guy that we saw lying on the sidewalk was rushed in but refusing help. He took all of the attention of the nurses and security.

Meanwhile I’m feeling like crap butI just found this ironic. I mean It took me this long to get here. Then once again she (my wife) jumped in and took charge. I don’t care what you all have going on over there but my husband has been laying in the hallway possibly having a heart attack so somebody better get him in one of those rooms to see a doctor.

I had gotten up and went to the bathroom so when she pointed no one was there. Oops.

They did get me in a room and hooked me up to an E.K.G. machine and asked me a ton of questions to which I answered and playfully joked that this was really nothing but a stomach ache. Suddenly there were at least five doctors and more nurse’s running in the room. Then I saw one of the doctors huddled up in the corner with my wife like he was at the club trying to get his mack on. I’m like what the hell is going on here? A nurse leaned over and said we need to get you out of your clothes and get you upstairs for surgery. I’m Like Huh? 

A doctor said yes Mr. Miller, you are having a Heart Attack.

They starting peeling me like a grape and all I could say was “Well I guess we really doing this”.

The doctor said to me that he did not know how I was still conscious and was it true I drove myself to the hospital. I said yes. He just shook his head and said if there is a next time call 911. I gave him a thumbs up.

It was chaos as they got me out of my clothes and into a gown then off to surgery. My wife had called our family. I guess that’s what the doctor was telling her because they thought I might not make it. As they wheeled me down the hall there was most of my family.  

I’m asking how they are and not to worry about me I was telling my wife to call my mom and this person and that person. As they wheeled me away I remembered I forgot my friend that I talked to earlier that day and I yelled back before they put me on the elevator “CALL JOHN”!

So here I was Mr. Never having high blood pressure or any life changing health issues about to undergo a heart procedure.

Again I joked with the nurses and the cardiogist as he explained what they were about to do. (insert a stint to open my artery). 

I just said okay, let’s do it. I thought about my wife, my mom, my kids and focused on getting back to them. The last thing I remembered was staring at the lights. I awoke in recovery. As I opened my eyes I saw an Angel. My wife. She is the reason that I’m here.

We have so much living to do and I was not ready to leave her or my family.

Well here we are 4yrs, Life Vests ,two pacemakers two surgeries (the first pacemaker became infected but that’s another story for another time).

And Here I am with the woman I love and adore telling my story.

So yeah, this day has a huge significance in my life. It’s the day I got a second chance. One that I am determined not to waste.

Written By: Larry D. Miller